Tamworth Music Festival - meeting Lee Kernaghan & Shark Boy!

Feb 01 2019
A BIG THANK YOU to the Tamworth Country Music Festival and all the amazing people we met while trading over the 10 days! Croc stock & Barra met so many new awesome friends this year and was super happy to see loads of people from last year come back to say g'day. It is without a doubt the most rewarding part of the job and I feel blessed that there are so many people who appreciate my products and what we do at Croc Stock & Barra.
A special thanks to the beautiful family from Heeled Shoe Shop for being so welcoming and friendly!
A big special 'thanks' to SHARK BOY! aka Mako for coming back to see me again this year. You made my day and your present will be framed and put on my wall!
Numbers were down this year as the people of Tamworth and surrounding areas are in the middle of the worst drought in many years. However, this didn't stop everyone from having a good time. Your positive attitudes are amazing!
My heart goes out to all the people who are struggling with, having to get water trucked in to survive. I'm doing my best rain dance for you all!!
See you all soon, you bunch of legends!
Aaron and Croc Stock & Barra
The Legendary Shark Boy with his new Croc Claw glove!
Lee Kernaghan with his new Hornback belt and guitar strap
These two dropped by for a visit!
The Croc Stock and Barra team getting amongst it
It was a top experience! See you next time